Start your Womb Healing & Awakening journey.

Accessing your Womb Wisdom will allow you to live life from a grounded, trusting, intuitive & sensual place. Deeply connected to yourself & all that is.

You will learn about the anatomy & energetic space of the womb, benefits of doing womb work, common blockages & dis-eases of the womb & how to reconnect & heal your womb space.


*50% of sales go to charity

Meet YOur womb health guide


I’m Julia, a guide and space holder who is deeply passionate about supporting women in healing and re-awakening their womb and empowering them to embrace their authentic expression. 

Through a holistic approach combining sciences and spirituality, I help women navigate their menstrual cycle -and fertility challenges and teach them how to deepen their connection to their inner wisdom.

 My work is trauma-informed and focused on womb healing, fertility, self-love and nervous system regulation.